Mountain Tales

Liverpool to New York 6 Jun 1840 - 20 Jul 1840
Having left the port of Liverpool on the morning of the 6th of Jun 1840 aboard the sail ship Britania coinciding with his 22nd birthday, William Bryne now stood rifle in hand protecting his claim on a riverbank in California. Ten years had passed since landing in New York and his first steps on American soil, William now thirty-two had become a wealthy and influential figure in the gold prospecting community with a reputation as a hard and when required violent man. Serendipity had played William a winning hand and having been apprenticed as farrier in his homeland of Ireland was easily able to turn his skills to black smithing and benefit from the high demand for metal goods. Williams next fortuitus break came on January 24-1848, in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada, having been employed to repair and maintain a water-powered sawmill. Only one thing remained to complete Williams' relentless pursuit of fortune and happiness, Bring Liza to California form Luton England where she had worked and waited for him for ten years as a Plait Girl in a hat factory.
The Hard Road
Daybreak hits me like a tyre iron to the face, the cold hard gravel of the rodeo bar and grills parking lot has been my bed for the night, I am guessing i've been lying here since a couple of beer bellied urban cowboys tossed me out like yesterdays trash.
Would have been nice to make it back to my truck before passing out for the night buy hey every cloud has a beggars something or other. From my horizontal vantage point my blood shot squinting eyes catch a glimpse of the rising sun glinting on the windshield of Betsy, my cherished chevey truck abandoned in the far corner of the lot, a metal , glass and rubber Shangri-La and my home since I heard the call.
A wave panic washes over me as I drag my aching body to perpendicular and start the lurch and stumble of the morning after walk back to the safety of Betsy, where did the cash for the tequila bender come from where had I been before the rodeo bar, I don't own anything except Betsy and the, no I cant have not even in my darkest hour would I part with it, in a river of sweat and a heart pounding like war drums I throw open Betsy's rusted creaking door and drag the battered old case across the seat, I unlatch and flip the lid, thank god its still in there the defused light of a new day eliminates the battle scared 52 Telecaster the key to finding a place for the broken robot, outlier, odd fish' maverick oddball lost souls, a place that can only be found if you are lost enough to find it.
The Desert song
Emilia Daisy Lon Chaney
Tired of her vacuous Malibu life and corporate lawyer parents, packs up her convertible and heads down to Vegas in search of something real.
A chance encounter with Jimmy V, a low level soldier for the San Tropez Braves end's with Jimmy on the run for breaking the code and Daisy in a shallow desert grave.
Accidents will happen
Keep it in the dark
UK Americana